Lift-Status Indicator FloorIndicator[alias]

The widget FloorIndicator[alias] displays the current floor.
The floor name is obtained from the field alias in the house editor. If a picture is configured for a floor, it will be displayed. If no picture or text is configured for the floor, the previous content will be displayed so that the user who drives through the floor does not notice if, for example, a floor is in maintenance. The layout can be configured in various ways, for example, font type and size, background color or image, frame color and much more are freely configurable.

The device types fpc-02 and fpc-04 the floor change can be animated. Under "Settings" you can enable this animation for a floor or car display. The scrolling movement for a floor display is shown in the direction of the movement of the elevator car. The scrolling movement in the car is animated against the direction of movement of the elevator.

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