Here you can find a list of all widgets. Click on the widget name or the logo to find the elaborate description.

Information about the availability of the individual widgets on the different display types can be found in the manual.

Lift Buttons

Car Calls

The widget CarCall[basic] provides a button for an interior call or a car call of lifts. It can display a specific background image depending on the state acknowledged or not acknowledged. In addition, this widget can be used to output text regardless of the tenants that were set in the house editor.

Das Widget CarCall[floor] stellt einen Ruftaster für Innenrufe bzw. Fahrkorbrufe von Aufzügen bereit.
Es zeigt das, in den Haus-Einstellungen definierten, Alias der Etagenbezeichnung an. Farbe und Schriftart können für die Zustände quittiert und nicht quittiert , individuell eingestellt werden.

The widget CarCall[h2] provides a lift buttion for an interior or a car call for lifts. It portrays the tenants for the configured floor, as it entered into the house editor, as well as the floor name. The tenants can be shown on the left or on the right side of the floor name. Moreover, the width of the area portraying the floor name is adjustable. 

The widget CarCall[tenant] provides a button for interior or car calls of lifts.
It displays the tenants for the configured floor as defined in the house editor as a text or a logo. 

The widget CarCall[v2] provides a lift button for interior or car calls of lifts. It portrays the tenants for the configured floor as entered into the house editor as well as the floor name. The tenants can be shown above or below the floor name. Moreover, the height of the area portraying the floor name is adjustable. 

Hall Calls

The widget HallCall[basic] provides a button for a floor call or exterior call. It can issue direction-dependent calls (two interfaces: upwards and downwards) and direction-independent calls (one interface for calls). Type and size of the arrows can be freely configured. A freely configurable background image can be shown depending on the state acknowledged or not-acknowledged.

Guest Calls

The GuestCall[basic] widget provides a call button for guest calls (including call / sender calls). The text displayed on the button can be customized. It can display a corresponding adjustable background image depending on the status acknowledged or not acknowledged. The pick-up floor and door and the target floor and door can be configured. The flashing which is common in some tenant calls states is generated by removing and adding the acknowledgment.

Destination Calls

The DestinationCallButton[floor] widget provides a call button for destination calls. It displays the floor alias set in the house menu. It requires a CANopen-Lift-capable destination call control.

The following parameters can be set in the DestinationCallButton[floor] widget:

Buttons + Switches 

The KeyPad[character] widget is used to enter characters for selecting floors. One or more characters can be configured for the button.

The KeyPad[clear] widget is used to evaluate the characters previously entered with the KeyPadCharacterButton and to trigger the floor call.

The widget KeyPad[display] shows the previously entered characters and informs about the status of the floor selection process.

The KeyPad[enter] widget is used to evaluate the characters previously entered with the KeyPadCharacterButton and to trigger the floor call.

The following parameters can be set in the KeyPad[enter] widget:

The widget SpecialFunctionButton[basic] provides a button/switch or indicator for various special functions. It can be configured, for example, for setting a lift as out of order or for longer periods of open doors for the loading of the lift. There are three types of duration: active until operated anew (switch function), active for pre-determined period of time (timer function) and active only while being operated (button function).

Lift status indicators

Lift Status Indicators

Floor Indicators

The widget FloorIndicator[alias] displays the current floor.
The floor name is obtained from the field alias in the house editor. If a picture is configured for a floor, it will be displayed. If no picture or text is configured for the floor, the previous content will be displayed so that the user who drives through the floor does not notice if, for example, a floor is in maintenance. The layout can be configured in various ways, for example, font type and size, background color or image, frame color and much more are freely configurable.

The widget FloorIndicator[bar] displays the current floor as a graphic that is shifted linearly animated in a bar on the display.

The widget FloorIndicator[nostalgic] displays the current floor as a nostalgic analogue indicator on the display. The layout can be configured in various ways, for instance font type and size, background color or image, hands, frame color and much more. The image with the pointer should always be as big as the dial with the floor descriptions. If the two images are superimposed, they will represent the current status of the lowest floor stand. Floors, for which no alias is entered in the house editor are skipped. The widget Floor Indicator [nostalgic] represents the current floor status…

The SimpleFloorIndicator[text] widget displays a floor status sent as text by the controller according to the CANopen Lift standard.

Direction Indicators

The widget DirectionIndicator[double] displays the direction of the run, the direction of movement and the direction indicator of a lift.

The DirectionIndicator[rotation] widget shows the direction of travel of the elevator car with an arrow graphic. When the direction of travel is changed, the transition is visualized by rotating the graphic. Due to the usage of a graphic the design of the arrow can be freely adjusted.

The widget DirectionIndicator[single] portrays the direction of the lift's run using arrows. The design of the arrows for every direction can be freely configured.

The EvacuationMovingDirection widget displays the current direction of movement depending on the current change in position values.This can be used, for example, during an emergency rescue if the control signal is not available.

Destination Call Indicators

The widget AcknowledgedFloor[horizontal list] lists the floors on which the elevator will stop horizontally. The font size automatically adjusts to the number of floors to be approached. It is possible to determine a maximum number of floors to display, to prevent the font from becoming too small. It displays the floor alias set in the house menu. It requires a CANopen-lift-capable destination call control.

The AssignedLift[text] widget displays the name of the elevator that shall be used. The elevator designation or the text is freely configurable. It requires a CANopen-lift-capable destination call control.


The widget LiftInfo[icon+text] enables various announcements in a lift. It can show an image and text at once. By default the state of the doors will be displayed. Furthermore, all announcements described in the list can be displayed.

The widget LiftInfo[icon] can be used to visualize various messages of a lift. It allows a flexible arrangement independent of the text to be displayed. The configuration and prioritization of the portrayal are done as with the widget LiftInfo [icon+text].

The widget LiftInfo[text] enables the portrayal of various announcements of a lift. Similar to the widget LiftInfo[icon+text], but without the possibility to output an image. The configuration and prioritization of the portrayal occurs as with the widget LiftInfo[icon+text].

The SimpleMessegeIndicator[text] widget displays a text received from the controller according to CANopen Lift standard.

Info + Adverts

The FloorInfo[stream] widget displays a video network stream depending on the current floor or the target floor. A stream source can be specified for each floor.

The widget FloorInfo[v2] displays an image and two texts depending on the current floor. The image extends along the whole background. One text is arranged at the upper area of the widget, the other one is arranged at the lower area. The height of the text areas is adjustable. Thus, the widget is ideally suited to portray floor-specific advertising or information.

Miscellaneous indicators

Das Widget LiftStatus[classic] stellt die typische Anzeige der aktuellen Etage, der Fahrtrichtung und der Meldungen eines Aufzugs in klassischer Form dar. Das Design der Darstellung kann flexibel an die eigenen Wünsche angepasst werden, so sind z. B. Schriftart und Größe, Hintergrund-Farbe oder Bild, Rahmenfarbe und vieles mehr frei einstellbar.



Web Services

The flexyPage Messenger widget enables text-based communication with an emergency call center. The design of the widget is fixed. Only the size and position can be set freely.


If an internet connection is available the widget RssReader[header] displays the title elements or headlines of an RSS feed. Besides, the source URL of the feed and the rate of updating the design of the widget can be adjusted according to your needs. For example, font type and size, background color or image, frame color and much more are adjustable.

The Tenants[basic] widget enables the display of centrally managed tenant directories. A permanent internet connection and an account for are required to use this widget.


If an internet connection is available the widget Weather[icon] displays the weather conditions of a place for the current day or the next 5 days as an icon. This widget can be combined with the widget Weather[text] to flexibly realize various portrayals of weather information.



If an internet connection is available the widget Weather[text] displays the current temperature for a place or the minimum and maximum temperature for the next 5 days as digits. This widget can be combined with the widget Weather[icon] to flexibly realize various portrayals of weather information.


The Campaign[basic] widget enables the display of centrally managed media campaigns. A permanent internet connection and an account for are required to use this widget.

The widget DiaShow[basic] can display one or more images. If several images are selected they will be displayed one after another in a freely configurable interval. The transition between two images is animated. The duration of the animation is configurable as well. The presentation can be displayed in full screen or on a widget window. 

The FloorInfo widget displays videos depending on the floor. One video can be configured for each floor.

The RemoteViewer [image] widget can display one or more images from a network source. This can be a static image of a webcam or a specific file that you can access via a URL. As with a slide show, multiple images can be set and transitions can be specified.

With a previously on the display saved video, the VideoPlayer[basic] widget plays it in an infinite loop. Aspect ratio and sound level can be set. We recommend using videos in h.264 format. Normally, those are in mp4, avi, or mov format. For soundtrack, mp3 is recommended.

The Video[stream] widget plays a video network stream. As a source, a network camera can be used for example.



The widget Load[bar] displays the current payload of the lift by means of a bar. The design of the portrayal can be freely defined, for example, from green (no load) to red (overload). To display this bar, the lift needs a load measuring sensor that provides the display the information via CANopen-Lift.

The widget Load[digit] displays the current payload of the lift in kg. To display the measured values the lift needs to dispose of a load measuring sensor that provides the display the information via CANopen-Lift. 

The widget Load[icons] displays the current payload of the lift in up to 10 levels by means of freely definable icons. These icons can be persons or bars, for example. To display these icons the lift needs a load measuring sensor that provides the display the information in kilograms via CANopen-Lift.

The widget Load[needle] displays the current payload of the lift as a tachometer. The background and the needle, as well as the range from minimum to maximum, are freely configurable. To display the measured values, the lift needs a load measuring sensor that provides the display the information via CANopen-Lift.


The widget Speed[digit] displays the current speed of the lift's car. The portrayal occurs as a digit with the respective unit. Currently, a portrayal of m/s, km/h and mph can be chosen. To display the speed ,the lift needs a position sensor that transmits the position values via CANopen-Lift to the display.


The widget DistanceToAdjacentFloors[compact] shows the distance between the elevator car and the next two floors. The areas destined for displaying the texts are fixed and not configurable.

The Distance ToFloor[digit] widget shows the distance to a configurable floor. In order to display the distance, the elevator requires a position sensor, which provides the position values to the display via CANopen lift. In addition, a learning journey must be carried out.

The widget PositionImage[animated] displays the frame of an animated GIF, depending on the current position of the elevator. Thereby, e.g. the ride of the cabin or general drive and position dependent animations can be simulated. For a good performance, the file size of the GIF should be as small as possible. The times between the frames defined in the GIF file are not taken into account.

The widget Position[digit] displays the current position of the car in the shaft. The widget can display the absolute height in the shaft as well as the distance to the next floor. To display the measured values the lift necessitates an absolute position sensor that provides the display the values via CANopen-Lift.

If the display is connected to an absolute position sensor, the widget Position[shaft] can display the current position of the car in the shaft graphically enhanced in a window or in fullscreen mode.


The widget EnergyConsumed[digit] represents the consumed energy as a number. To display the measured values, the elevator requires an energy sensor which provides the display with the absolute consumtion value via CANopen lift.

The widget EnergyFedBack[digit] displays the fed energy as a number. To display the measured values, the elevator requires an energy sensor that provides the absolute value to the display via CANopen lift.

The widget PowerSum[bar] displays the energy currently required in the form of a bar. The bar strikes from the center to the left when more energy is consumed than fed or from the center to the right when more fed than energy is consumed. The bar can be provided with an image or a specific color depending on the direction of deflection.

The widget PowerSum[digit] displays the current required energy as a number. To display the measured value, the elevator needs an energy sensor which provides the display with the absolute value via CANopen lift.

The widget PowerSum[needle] displays the currently needed energy as a pointer. The pointer strikes from the center to the left when more energy is consumed than fed or from the center to the right when more fed than energy is consumed. The vertical pivot and the maximum deflection are configurable.


The Date+Time [stored] widget displays a permanently stored date. This date can be linked to an event (e.g.: "Maintenance mode"), and thus be updated. The display could then show, for example, "Last maintenance on".

The widget Date+Time[text] displays the current date. Its design and function can be configured in various ways. Besides the setting of font type and size, the color and background images, the date and time components can be combined with each other as well and they can be shown with any separator. For example: yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss > 14-07-28 16:53:20.

The widget Time[analogue] displays the current time as an analogue clock. The background and the hands can be configured individually.

This makes it possible to display the clock in classic or modern form, adapted to one's own wishes.


The JourneyCounter[digit] widget can be used to display the journey counter transferred from the controller according to the CANopen standard. The font and size as well as the colours of the text, the frame and the background can be set freely.

The JourneyDurationCounter[digit] widget can be used to display the operating hours counter transferred from the controller in accordance with the CANopen standard.The font and size as well as the colours of the text, the frame and the background can be set freely.

The widget TextArea[basic] enables the portrayal of any text. The design can be configured in various ways. Font type and size, as well as color of the text, the frame and the background are freely adjustable.

The widget TextArea[locked] enables the portrayal of any text. The design can be configured in various ways.