The widget HallCall[basic] provides a button for a floor call or exterior call. It can issue direction-dependent calls (two interfaces: upwards and downwards) and direction-independent calls (one interface for calls). Type and size of the arrows can be freely configured. A freely configurable background image can be shown depending on the state acknowledged or not-acknowledged.
Adjustable parameters
- Border color acknowledged/not acknowledged
- Background color acknowledged/not acknowledged
- Background image acknowledged/not acknowledged
- Background image size
- Padding
- Docking of widgets left, right, top or bottom
- Border width acknowledged/not acknowledged
- Floor to which this button is assigned
- Lift (1 to 8) in a group
- Call priorities: standard, low, high
- Direction of the Hall Call
- Doors (1, 2, 3, 4) for selective or opposite doors
- PIN Code
- PIN Code deactivatable on screen