flexyPage displays in 135 seconds

The video shows the basic possibilities of the flexyPage system 

  • for elevators 
  • with touch as landing operation panel incl. tenant information or advertising, weather 
  • destination dispatch 
  • access control 
  • web based configuration 
  • example in hotel with restaurant incl. Advertising 
  • airport - digital signage - check in counter 
  • sizes and applications


Hearing impaired emergency call with the flexyPage Messenger

The video shows the use of the elevator by a person with a hearing impairment. 

  • the triggering of the emergency call 
  • Reception at the control center 
  • activation of the text chat 
  • selection of the language 
  • communication via chat with the trapped person 
  • screeshot of the flexyPage messenger 
  • Activation of the camera for viewing the cabin
  • Information about arrival of help

DM-Line 38 - Art Museum

DM-Line 38 - Art Museum

Display: DM-Line 38 


  • Logo of the museum
  • Time and date
  • Elevator information
  • Video with information
  • Slideshow with floor specific information CMS flexyPage Campaign
  • Car calls with building floor names and departments
  • Opening houres
  • Fully configurable via the Internet
  • All widgets controllable via Timer & Event function