
The widget CarCall[v2] provides a lift button for interior or car calls of lifts. It portrays the tenants for the configured floor as entered into the house editor as well as the floor name. The tenants can be shown above or below the floor name. Moreover, the height of the area portraying the floor name is adjustable. 


The widget CarCall[h2] provides a lift buttion for an interior or a car call for lifts. It portrays the tenants for the configured floor, as it entered into the house editor, as well as the floor name. The tenants can be shown on the left or on the right side of the floor name. Moreover, the width of the area portraying the floor name is adjustable. 


The widget CarCall[basic] provides a button for an interior call or a car call of lifts. It can display a specific background image depending on the state acknowledged or not acknowledged. In addition, this widget can be used to output text regardless of the tenants that were set in the house editor.


Das Widget CarCall[floor] stellt einen Ruftaster für Innenrufe bzw. Fahrkorbrufe von Aufzügen bereit.
Es zeigt das, in den Haus-Einstellungen definierten, Alias der Etagenbezeichnung an. Farbe und Schriftart können für die Zustände quittiert und nicht quittiert , individuell eingestellt werden.