

If an internet connection is available the widget Weather[text] displays the current temperature for a place or the minimum and maximum temperature for the next 5 days as digits. This widget can be combined with the widget Weather[icon] to flexibly realize various portrayals of weather information.


If an internet connection is available the widget Weather[icon] displays the weather conditions of a place for the current day or the next 5 days as an icon. This widget can be combined with the widget Weather[text] to flexibly realize various portrayals of weather information.



The Tenants[basic] widget enables the display of centrally managed tenant directories. A permanent internet connection and an account for are required to use this widget.



If an internet connection is available the widget RssReader[header] displays the title elements or headlines of an RSS feed. Besides, the source URL of the feed and the rate of updating the design of the widget can be adjusted according to your needs. For example, font type and size, background color or image, frame color and much more are adjustable.