
The widget LiftInfo[icon+text] enables various announcements in a lift. It can show an image and text at once. By default the state of the doors will be displayed. Furthermore, all announcements described in the list can be displayed.

To activate an announcement for portrayal it has to be activated in the menu CAN > CANopenSlave > MessageMapping. With the occurance of the specifc signal the determined announcement text and the image will be shown.

If several events occur at once the portrayal has to be prioritized. At first the SpecialIndication with the highest priority will be shown. If there is no SpecialIndication active the next higher active SpecialFunction will be shown. If none of those is active the state of the doors is shown again. If the portrayal of a specific SpecialIndication or SpecialFunction is not wanted, for example, the message Occupied, the text field of the message in the MessageMapping menu has to be emptied.

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