
The widget Time[analogue] displays the current time as an analogue clock. The background and the hands can be configured individually.

This makes it possible to display the clock in classic or modern form, adapted to one's own wishes.

Adjustable parameters

  • Layout (padding, border width)
  • Border and background color (as well as their transparency)
  • Background image
  • Dial, hour-, minute- and second hands (displayed at 12 o'clock) are uploaded in single, transparent images and displayed superimposed in the widget
  • Timer und Events when the widget is displayed


Sample application for the widget time[analogue]

  1. Set background color and border color of the widget under Colors, images, font to transparent.
  2. Select dial, hour hand, minute hand and second hand from the widgets library or upload them as single, transparent images (Attention: Hands must point to 12 o’clock!) and add to the widget.
  3. If, for instance, a dial and three additional pictures for the individual pointers are selected, the result looks as follows:

Watch steps

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Widget category